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Headmasters and staff to report to the Educational Institutions by 22-06-2020

UDISE data-2019-20 - Large number of gaps in UDISE data 2019-20 - Need to update the UDISE data 2020-21 - Headmasters and staff to report to the Educational Institutions by 22-06-2020
 1.The information pertaining to the schools, teachers and children is being captured through UDISE+ and the performance of the state of Andhra Pradesh in School Education is being monitored by Government of India and NITI AYOG based on the UDISE+ data only. 

 2. Whereas a detailed review of UDISE+ has been taken up and it was found that, there are huge gaps in the UDISE+ data pertaining to 2019-20. The following are the some of the gaps: 

a. In the large no. of schools, the data of teachers is shown as zero 
b. Many schools are viewed with the zero enrolment. 
c. The details of the teachers are not entered in the UDISE data. 
d. The details of trainings teachers received during the year 2019-20 such as school complex meetings, CLEP foundational training etc., are not recorded. 
e. The details of Libraries and functional toilets are not shown. 
f. The details of laboratories in the schools are not shown properly. 
g. The data of the children with special needs (CwSN) are not shown. 
h. The details of Parent Committees are not shown properly. 
i. The details of kitchen sheds are not shown. 
j. The details of Tinkering labs I Computers and Printers etc., are not found. 
k. The details Audio Nisual and all electronic items i.e., LCD Projectors, scanners etc., are not shown. 

 3. Hence, there is an urgent need to fill up these gaps in the UDISE+ and to submit this data to Government of India at the earliest. 

 4. In view of the above and also since the summer vacation for the teachers was over by 11.06.2020, it is hereby directed that all the Headmasters and Teachers of all Government Management Schools including Aided Schools shall immediately report to their respective schools by 22-6-2020 and attend to the updating of the UDISE+ data. 

 5. Once the data is updated by the headmasters and the staff, the respective inspecting officers shall validate the data duly signing the hardcopies of the updated UDISE+ info and then permit the Headmaster concerned to upload the data. While permitting the schools to upload the data, the respective inspecting officers shall ensure that there are no gaps in the data. 

 6. While attending to the updating and uploading of UDISE+ data, the headmasters and teaching staff all government management schools shall also attend to the following tasks: 

 • Updating and closing and reconciliation of the School PO account for 2019- 20 and furnishing the receipts and expenditure of composite school grants for the year 2019-20 duly arriving at opening balance as on 1-4-2020. 
 • Updating and uploading the measurements of the students for the purpose of supply of shoes for 2020-21. 

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