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Self Learning Programme for all Teachers

Self Learning Programme for all Teachers (who under went CLEP training during February 2020) Second CLEP training to teachers from 4-5-2020 through Webinar and Abhyasa App – Instructions- Issued.

     All the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, Principals ofDIETs, Academic Monitoring Officers, Mandal Educational Officers, Key ResourcePersons, State Resource Persons and District Resource Persons in the state arehereby informed that we are all aware of the social distancing and selfquarantine which is mandated at present in the wake of Covid-19. They arefurther informed that it is proposed to conduct second Comprehensive Learningenhancement program (CLEP) to all teachers through Webinar and ‘ABHYASA’self- learning app from 4-5-2020 to 22-5-2020.
    In view of the new curricular reform carried out and new textbooksdesigned, there is an increased demand from the teaching community fortraining on New Curriculum. Hence in continuation of the CLEP program, asecond Comprehensive Learning enhancement program is hereby arranged forthe Teaching community, which includes Live Webinar series, followed by self-assessment in Abhyasa Self Learning App. Relevant learning materials, offlineVideos and Online Tests will be posted in Abyasa app. Hence all the Teachers inthe State are hereby requested to download the State app ‘ABHYASA’ andfollow the instructions issued hereunder scrupulously.
All DEOs are requested to inform all teachers to download the ‘ABHYASA’self- learning app which is available in google playstore. Their login will be theTreasury ID and password is abc@123. Those who could not login can send theirlist to their AMOs who will compile and send the list for creating login andpassword. 
    All DEOs will be the administrative incharge to conduct this digital trainingand DIET principals will be the course monitoring officer. Attendance of Teachersteaching classes 1-6 are mandatory and for remaining class teachers it is optional.      
    All the Key Resource Persons are responsible for their respective Districtsunder the supervision of DIET principals and DEOs.  SRPS should form aWhatsApp group with the DRPS mapped to them. DRPs should form a groupwith the Teachers mapped to them. All KRPS, SRPs and DRPs also to participatein the Webinar and guide their groups if there are any doubts. MEO’s will closelymonitor the active participation of Teachers in their respective mandal. 

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