Conduct of competition of best TLM Instructions
School Education - SCERT - Conduct of competition of best TLM Instructions- Issued
Sub: School Education - SCERT - Conduct of competition of best TLM Instructions- Issued- Regarding.
All the District Educational Officers/Principals of DlET/Additional ProjectCoordinators of Samagra Shiksha/Secretaries of DCEB/Dy.Educational Officers/MandalEducational Officers in the state are hereby informed that it is proposed by SpecialOfficer and Director SIEMAT (FAC) to conduct competition of Best TLM throughSCERT to promote meaningful engagement by the teacher community during thelockdown period because of Covid-19 in order to motivate and recognize teacherswhich will enable and encourage them to spend meaning full time and simultaneouslyimprove their capabilities.
They are further informed that detailed guidelines regarding conduct ofbest TLM competition are enclosed herewith. They are requested to disseminate theabove guidelines to all the teachers working in Municipal / MPP / ZPP / government / Tribal Welfare / aided as they are only eligible to participate in this program and seethat all teachers are pafticipated in the program.
Enclosure: Detail Guidelines
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