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ManaBadi – Naadu-Nedu - Release of funds for the works related to Painting to schools and Green Chalkboards

Under the scheme of ManaBadi – Naadu-Nedu - Release of funds to APCs in the State for the works related to Painting to schools 13409 and Green Chalkboards 14970 sanctioned - Underphase–1. 

Sub:-Samagra Siksha, A.P., Amaravathi – Under the scheme of  ManaBadi – Naadu-Nedu - Release of funds to APCs in the State for the works related to Painting to schools 13409 and  Green Chalkboards 14970  sanctioned - Under phase–1  – Orders issued
O R D E R:
    Govt. vide G.O.Ms.No.28  have released vote on account budget  fortaking up the basic infrastructure works  for 9 identified components toimprove infrastructure in all the schools under “Mana Badi – Naadu-Nedu”. Accordingly Painting to schools 13409 and  Green Chalkboards 14970  works sanctioned in  Phase-I programme. It has beendecided to ground all the Painting and Green Chalk boards immediatelyand instructions were issued to the districts accordingly.         

    In view of the above  an amount of Rs.200 crores (Two  hundredcrores only) under HOA: 4202-01-202-11-06-520-521-VN and released tothe newly opened Green Channel PD Account HOA 8448-00-110-16-12-002-001NV “Manabadi Naadu-Nedu” to be operated by Samagra ShikshaState Office and District Project Offices.

    Hence to ensure all the Painting and Green Chalk Boards aregrounded immediately. Rs. 200 Cr (Two hundred  Crores ) has beenreleased from Samagra Shiksha Green channel PD account to the newlyopened Green Channel PD Accounts of the Additional ProjectCoordinators in the Districts  for onward transfer to the ParentCommittees and the Vendors as per the procedures laid down vide theGO MS No.87. The distribution of the funds to 13 APCs shall be as follows.

    The Finance Controller, Samagra Shiksha, A.P. Amaravati isrequested to transfer the funds to the Green Channel PD Account of 13Addl. Project Coordinators as shown above  to a tune of Rs.200 crores( Rupees Two hundred crores only).         

    The guidelines provided in the G.O.Ms.No.87, circular memosissued by the Commissioner School Education  should be followed by theAPCs while incurring the expenditure, under ManaBadi Naadu-Nedu.                      

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