G.O.Rt.No:202., Dated:18-03-2020 - Containment, Control and Prevention of Spread of COVID-19
G.O.Rt.No:202., Dated:18-03-2020 - Containment, Control and Prevention of Spread of COVID-19 - Notification - Issued. .
World Health Organization (WHO) has declared recent Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic affecting all the regions of the world as Pandemic. WHO also classified risk assessment as Very High at the Globallevel. In this contex1,A ndhra Pradesh has strengthened the surveillance for containment,controland prevention of COVID·19.
2. Whereas, the Government of Andhra Pradesh to empower certain officers of the State Government to take all such measures as may be necessary to contain spread of the said Virus in the State and in exercise of the powers conferred under Section-2, 3 and 4 of Epidemic Diseases Act,1897 issued "the A ndhra Pradesh Epidemic Disease COVID-19 Regulations 2020." Vide G.O. 2°• read above.
3. To effectively enforce the Regulations regarding COVID·19 read with all the enabling provisions in continuation of instructions issued earlier vide reference 1,2 read above, Government hereby issue the following instructions to prevent and contain spread of COVID-19 in the State of Andhra Pradesh:
I. Educational Institutions:
a. All educational,training,coaching (Schools /Colleges / Universities) institutions shall be closed with immediate effect up to 31.03.2020. All hostels and boarding facilities for students / trainees should be evacuated immediately and arrangements should be made for sending students I trainees to their respect ve homes under due precautions. Students should be advised to stay at home. Wherever possible Institutions should make provision for online classes for continuity purposes.
b. wherever exams are going on,the same should be conducted as per schedule and students should be send home immediately post completion of schedule.
c. Physical distancing of 1.00 meter should be maintained between students in ongoing examinations.
d. Students who are suffering from fever,cold and cough should be made to write examinations in separate rooms.
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