Teachers Training on EM for 1-6th Classes from 2020-21 Detailed Instructions
Teachers Training on EM for 1-6th Classes from 2020-21 Detailed Instructions
Converting of all classes from 1 to VI in Primary, UP, HS under all
managements in to EM from the Academic year 2020-2021 and gradually
increasing each further class from the next consequent academic year,
govt. Orders issued - Detailed instructions for taking of training for
capacity building of the teachers for teaching through EM.
1. G.O.Ms.No.85 SE (Prog.1) Department DT: 20-11-2-19.
2. Minutes of the meeting taken up Commissioner, School Education, AP, Ibrahimpatnam on 21-11-2019
Government have issued orders according permission to
commissioner of School Education to convert all classes from I to VI in
Primary, Upper Primary, High Schools under all managements into English
Medium from the academic year 2020-21 and gradually increasing each
further class from next consequent academic years Government further
ordered that, Commissioner, School Education shall take comprehensive
action for online assessment of the current English proficiency levels
of the teachers and design appropriate programme for enhancing the
English Medium teaching skills for the teachers. It was further ordered
that, intensive extensive trainings must be ensured during the current
academic year and during the summer of 2020 for equipping the teacher to
teach English medium from academic year 2020-21 for classes I to VI.
Govt have further emphasized that number of trainings shall be given to
the teachers and improving their English medium teaching skills in
specific subjects and in general. Government have also further directed
that action shall be taken for reviving the English language teaching
centres and District English Centres (DECS) and the re locating them in
District Institutes for Education and Training (DIET)
Immediately after receiving the orders, Commissioner of School
Education has taken up a detailed review with the Special Officer,
Director, SCERT and all senior officers of school education department
on 20-11-2019. Further a series of discussions have been held to chalk
out a detailed plan of action for implementing the government orders in
co-ordination with the Director, SCERT, Ibrahimpatnam.
Based on the discussions the following instructions are issued to
Director, SCERT, Ibrahimpatnam, RJDSE, DEO's, Additional Project
Co-ordinators of Samagra Shiksha and the MEOs in the state:
Preparation of training module for the resource teachers:
Director, SCERT, Ibrahimpatnam has taken up preparation of a training
module for the capacity building of the resource persons through an
expert group drawn from the faculty from English and Foreign Languages
University, Hyderabad, Anna University, Chennai, Acharya Nagarjuna
University, Guntur, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan, Ambedkar Univeristy,
New Delhi and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and other organizations. A
special camp has been conducted at Guntur from 13-11-2019 to 1-12-2019.
Teachers Training on EM for 1-6th Classes from 2020-21 Detailed Instructions
Read more: https://borrasrinivas.webnode.com/
Read more: https://borrasrinivas.webnode.com/
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