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SSC - Re -Verification & Re - Counting JUNE -2019 Application Form

SSC - Re -Verification & Re - Counting JUNE -2019 Application Form 


1)  The candidate  has to submit his Rccounting    application  in the 0/o The Director of
Government Examinations, A.P., Opp: Andhra Hospitals, Gollapudi,  Vijayawada  -
521225  directly to reach this office in time.

2)  Application  format is kept in the website
3)  The prescribed  fee  for each subject  is Rs.500/-

4)  Enclose Xerox copy of I !all ticket, Dummy memo of marks,  if not, the application will be summarily rejected.

5)  Fee paid once will not be refunded under any circumstances.

6)  Applications  sending  by post/courier service wi II not be accepted.

7)  Fee paid by way of drawing  Demand  Drafts and Bankers Cheques  will not be accepted.
8)  Enclose one self addressed  envelope  without stamps.

9)   The appeal  for undervaluation or over valuation  shall  not be considered  under any circumstances.
lO)Thc  c-Payment I Manual  Payment through  Challan  Reference  Form has to be paid by  the  individual  candidate   only  and  no  group  e-Payment   I  Manual   Payment through Challan  Reference Form will be accepted.

11)/\pplication  for Recounting will be accepted  in the 0/o Director  of Government Examinations,   A.P., Vijayawada  only.

Procedure  to  pay through  c-Payment I Payment  in  SB! through  Challan Reference Form i)       Visit website: https://cf'
ii)      Goto  Citizen Services  and  click  on Receipts links  and then go 10  the Citizen  Challan
iii)     Select  Department as ESE03 - Government  Examinations  Dept

iv) v)Select  Service  as Recounting  of Marks  to SSC  and Other Minor Exam Candidates
Click  on Submit

vi)    Fill the Details of Purpose, Rcmitter Name, Remitter ID, Address, Mobile  No., E-Mail  ID, Amount  in
Rs., etc.
vii)   Select  any one  of the option  Manual Payment I e-Payment

Option 1:  c-l'aymcal
a.   If c-Payrnent  is  selected  then  click  on submit
b.  Select  any one  of the payment gateway option  SBT I Payu  Money
c.  Choose  appropriate  payment option  i.c.  Debit  Card I Credit Card  I Netbanking etc. d.  Pay the amount and  take  the printout of the Acknowledgement

Option2: Manual Payment
a.   If Manual Payment  is  selected  then  click  on submit
b.  It will show  CFMS Transaction  II), Total amount,  Bank Reference  No.,  Bank Status
c.  Click on Print
d.  It will genera le Challan Reference Form  and take print out of the same and pay the amount in


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