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G.O.RT.No. 2052,Dt.28.11.2018 -NPS An Expert Committee for review of the Contributory Pension Scheme

G.O.RT.No. 2052,Dt.28.11.2018 -NPS An Expert Committee for review of the Contributory Pension Scheme and examining demand for continuing Old Pension Scheme  


G.O.RT.No. 2052 Dated: 28-11-2018 

Read the following :
In G.O. 1st to 3rd read above, Government of Andhra Pradesh adopted the Government of India's New Pension Scheme based on Defined Contributions for the employees of the State, who are newly recruited on or after 01.09.2004.
  1. Several representations and requests have been received from various service associations and people representatives for de-adoption of Contributory Pension Scheme and restoration of Old Pension Scheme for the State Government employees.
  2. Keeping in view of the representations from the service associations and people representatives, the Government hereby constitute an Expert committee with the following composition.
1Sri. S.P.Tucker, IAS (Retd), Former Chief Secretary to Government:Chairperson
2Sri. Peeyush Kumar, IAS , Secretary to Govt (FP), Finance Department:Member Secretary
3Sri. D.Venkata Ramana, Secretary to Government, Law Department:Member
4Prof. K. Muniratnam Naidu (Retd), Professor in Economics, S.P.Mahila University, Tirupathi:Member
5Prof Galab, Professor in Economics, Director, CESS, Hyderabad:Member
4.Terms of reference for the committee:
i.To submit a detailed report analysing the repercussions, both legal and financial of

reviewing the Contributory Pension Scheme now in force.
ii.To submit a detailed report analysing the impact of Contributory Pension Scheme on

the State Finances.
iii.To suggest propositions regarding the liabilities and risks that may arise out of the

agreements entered into with NPS trust and NSDL.
iv.In case it is to withdraw the Contributory Pension Scheme and in lieu of it to

implement the Statutory Pension Scheme, suggest propositions for refund of the

contributions made by the employees & employer so far?
v.In case it is to withdraw the Contributory Pension Scheme and in lieu of it to

implement the Statutory Pension Scheme, what will be the legality of such a decision

with respect to those who have already retired from service after serving under the

Contributory Pension Scheme? or expired while in service?.
vi.To analyse the status of the scheme in detail and the experiences and current scenarios

of other states that have implemented the Contributory Pension Scheme.
vii.In case if the scheme is continued, what are the various steps that can be taken to

make it more attractive/beneficial?
viii.To make suggestions in other matters that the committee finds relevant with regard to

the review of the Contributory Pension Scheme.
5. The term of the committee shall be 3 months from the date of issue of orders.

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