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G.O.Rt.1784,Dt.25.09.2018 - Digitalize Pension Payment Orders of all Pensioners in the state

 G.O.Rt.1784,Dt.25.09.2018 - Digitalize Pension Payment Orders of  all Pensioners in the state

  1. Government has taken a decision to digitalize Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) of  all Pensioners in the state and directed the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam to prepare a detailed note keeping in view the exact requirement of the system, approximate volume of the PPOs to be digitalized in the state. 
  2. In the reference read above, the DTA has furnished a detailed report and  submitted that there are around 3,53,000 pensioners in the state and all pension records are being held in the custody of 196 ATO/STO of Sub Treasuries who acts as Heads Of  Offices and also Pension Disbursing Authority. Each pension record consists of 14-20 pages (both sides). The most important aspect in digitization of pension records is proper indexing and uploading of scanned records through a software. The system should be designed in such a way that, whenever the STO (PDA) enters the PPO No/PPO ID, the details of the pension record should be displayed without any effort and the ATO/STO should also be able to attach further necessary documents to the scanned pension record and it should get updated in the master data. Both Password /Biometric security system should be enabled at STO level for getting access to the scanned pension records. All this requires a special software. The DTA has also proposed to take up the scanning of 1000 pension records available in Capital Region Treasury of Ibrahimpatnam (approx 14000 pages) as a pilot project which costs around Rs.8,000/-, before taking up the scanning work of all PPOs in all (13) Districts. 
  3. The CEO, APCFSS has submitted that the required software to take up the said work is already available with APCFSS and it has resident software programmers and is providing all IT related services viz; the relevant applications, software and the knowledge along with the on-going maintenance to various HODs within the same data centers. The need for using the digitized PPOs will be with the payments related to pension package and with the implementation of these functionalities within CFMS as part of phase 2, this would allow for seamless integration with CFMS and requested the Government to assign the said work to the APCFSS. 
  4. After careful examination, Government, hereby accorded sanction for Rs.8,000/-to APCFSS to take up the scanning work of 1000 pension records available in Capital Region Treasury of Ibrahimpatnam (Approximately 14000 pages) as a pilot project. The Amount can be met from the available BE 2018-19 provision under 2054-00-095-00-01-Head Quarters Office - 130/132-Other Office Expenditure in BE 2018-19.

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