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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - 8339 Teaching Posts (Last date: 13.09.2018)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - 8339 Teaching Posts (Last date: 13.09.2018)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi invites applications for the recruitment of Principals, Vice-Principals, PGTs, TGTs, Librarian and PRTs.
Post details:
1. Principal (Group-A): 76 Posts
Age Limit: 35 to 50 years.
2. Vice-Principal (Group-A): 220 Posts
Age Limit: 35 to 45 years.
3. Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) (Group-B): 592 Posts
Subject: Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Computer Science.
Age Limit: Max. 40 years.
4. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) (Group-B): 1900 Posts
Subject: Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, P&HE, Art & Edu, WET.
Age Limit: Max. 35 years
5. Librarian (Group-B): 50 Posts
Age Limit: Max. 35 years.
6. Primary Teacher (Group-B): 5300 Posts
Age Limit: Max. 30 years.
7. Primary Teacher (Music) (Group-B): 201 Posts
Age Limit: Max. 30 years.
Total no. of posts: 8339.
Recruitment test: Through Offline mode.
Apply mode: Online.
Online registration: 24.08.2018 to 13.09.2018.

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