teacherbook -
Thursday 12 July 2018
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- In the G.O 11th read above, Government have extended the “Medical
Reimbursement Scheme” facility under APIMA Rules,1972 till 31.03.2018,
along with Employees Health Scheme in parallel.
- The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTR VS Trust in the letter 12th read
above, has submitted certain modalities for extension of Medical
Reimbursement Scheme facility under APIMA Rules, 1972. Government after
careful examination of the issue, hereby extend the provision of Medical
Reimbursement facility under APIMA Rules, 1972 as specified hereunder:
- Continuation of Medical Reimbursement Scheme from 01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018, according to APIMA Rules,1972 and rates.
- (204) procedures (which are appended to the Annexure to this order)
are now removed from Medical Reimbursement Scheme w.e.f 01.08.2018 and
the same shall be continued as cashless under Employees Health Scheme
- The Reimbursement for above procedures shall be as per EHS rates only
- However, employees working in A.P. Secretariat; HoDs ; and Retired
employees and their dependents stationed at Hyderabad along with the
employees working in A.P. Bhavan, New Delhi shall be eligible to
continue Medical Reimbursement facility for all Employees Health Scheme
(EHS) procedures until suitable arrangements are made, as issued in the
G.O 8th read above.
- All the Scrutinizing Authorities concerned shall take necessary action accordingly.
- This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU, HM&FW)
Department vide their U.O.No.42028/426/FMU-HM&FW/2018,dt.09.07.2018.
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