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Work Adjustment of Surplus subject Teachers Revised Guidelines

Work Adjustment of Surplus subject Teachers

    1. In the first instance surplus subject teachers should be adjusted in the needy High schools. 
    2. In the second instance, if any of DEO Pool teacher including PET already working in a particular school where there is no need as per norms, he/she may be withdrawn and adjusted in needy High Schools. 
    3. In the third instance, utilize the services of subject teachers working in UP Schools where there is no optimum strength in the classes of VI and VII. They should be deputed on work adjustment in the needy High Schools. 
    4. In the fourth instance, utilize the services of surplus Secondary Grade Teachers having requisite qualifications in that particular subject for placing on work adjustment in needy High School. 
    5. All the needy vacancies are to be filled with surplus teachers within the Mandal or neighbouring Mandals or within the division. In exceptional cases, if any of the above possibilities are not available within the division, then subject teachers may be posted out of division in needy High schools.
    6. Junior most teacher in the cadre should be deputed on work adjustment. If the Senior is willing to go, he/she has to be given preference. 
    7. The work adjustment exercise should be completed on or before 30-062018 without fail.
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