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PRC-2015-PF-Arrears Calculation-SOFTWARE

PRC-2015-PF-Arrears Calculation Excel Program-SOFTWARE

PRC Arrears Calculation Excel Program Opens in Mobiles also

One month cash for GPF/ZPPF employees for March 2015 in November 2018

Remaining Nine months Arrears will be crediting thier PF accounts in November 2018*

Those employees who are retire on or before 31-03-2019 will be paid in cash in November 2018*

*CPS Employees who are joined in the service after 01-09-2004 are get 90% cash in three payments and Remaining 10% of amount to be crediting in their PRAN Accounts*

*10% Amount in July 2018*

*90% cash in three payments*

*_1.September 2018_*

*_2.October 2018_*

_*3. November 2018*_

*For Retired Employees (Pensioners) 100% cash in three payments*

*1.September 2018*

*2.October 2018*

*3.November 2018 

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