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Head Master Account Test- Instructions-online application

Head Master Account Test- Instructions-online application

Procedure to pay Examination Fee through e-Payment / Payment in SBI through Challan Reference Form

  1. Visit website :
  2. Goto Citizen Services and click on Receipts Links and then click onCitizen Challan
  3. Select Department as ESE03 – Government Examinations Dept
  4. Select Service as Exam fee for Minor Exams
  5. Click on Submit
  6. Fill the Details of Purpose, Remitter Name, Remitter ID, Address, Mobile No., E-Mail ID, Amount in Rs., etc.
  7. Select any one of the option Manual Payment / e-Payment
    Option1: e-Payment:
  1. If e-Payment is selected then click on submit
  2. Select any one of the payment gateway option SBI / Payu Money
  3. Choose appropriate payment option i.e. Debit Card / Credit Card / Netbanking etc.
  4. d. Pay the amount and take the printout of the Acknowledgement
   Option2: Manual Payment:
  1. If Manual Payment is selected then click on submit
  2. It will show CFMS Transaction ID, Total amount, Bank Reference No., Bank Status
  3. Click on Print
  4. It will generate Challan Reference Form and take print out of the same and pay the amount in SBI.
Press Note                         Online Application

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