INSPIRE Awards -MANAK online nomination for the year 2018–19
INSPIRE Awards -MANAK online nomination for the year 2018–19 has been opened.
All government and private schools
from class 6 to 10, may submit student’s ideas/innovations online by the
Headmaster/Principal through E-MIAS (E-Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme)
portal. The New schools may also register themselves on this portal.
Guidelines for submitting the
nominations for INPIRE – MANAK
The Head Masters of all Government and Private Schools should submit the
nominations for participators in INSPIRE – MANAK Programme
The nominations should be submitted online through E-Mail (E-Management
for INSPIRE Award scheme) ports on DST
The children should be encouraged to come up with Original, Creative
technological ideas / innovations that solve any daily problem or contribute to
improve the quality of life (by improving products, processes and services)
* Students of age group of 10-15 years and studying in standards 6th to
10th classes are eligible.
* The nominations should be
submitted along with synopsis
* Nominations can be submitted in
any language
* The suggested format for
submission of nominations.
* Name
* Age
* School name and address
* Home address and contact number
* Title of the
* Detailed description
* Diagrams/Sketches/photos if any
* Declaration that the project has
been done by the student himself/herself
* Bank Account Details
It is not required to submit any working model along with nomination
The routine projects, text book experiments, teaching models should be
avoided for nomination. Some examples for routine projects.
* Hydel power project, rain water
harvesting, water level indicators, vermin compost/vermin wash, letter box
alarm and other such alarms, using turbines to generate energy, electricity
generation through waste batteries/dung/transport/waves or earthquake alarm,
The Headmasters shall organize idea competitions to encourage students
to come with innovative ideas. Children may be asked to look around for common
problems and come up with solutions on their own.
One student can submit any number of ideas. Two-three ideas should be
selected and submitted.
2 – 3 best ideas can developed as projects and submitted
The Head Masters, Teachers should keep in mind the following points will
be considered for selection of projects at all levels (District/State/National)
If request for OTR rejected/returned by DA ,and wishes to resubmit request after rectification of defects.
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