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G.O.MS.No.47, Gratuity and Family Pension Payment Guidelines to CPS Employees

G.O.MS.No.47, Gratuity and Family Pension Payment Guidelines to CPS Employees

 The Pension Sanctioning Authorities shall forward the proposals in terms of orders issued in ninth and tenth read above to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), A.P. and Audit Officers in the Local Fund Audit Department as the case may be.

   The Director of Treasuries and Accounts shall make necessary arrangements for adjustment and remit back the accumulated pension wealth in the CPS account into the Government account keeping in view of the procedure envisaged by the PFRDA in their letter No. PFRDA/16/14/02/0002/2017-REG-EXIT, dt. 15.01.2018 read with PFRDA letter No.CRA/SNPSL/SG/2016/62, dt. 09.06.2016 duly furnishing the required information in Annexure-I&II while collecting the necessary documents for sanction/release of family pension and ensure that funds/accumulated wealth of CPS (NPS) is transferred to the Nodal Office’s bank account for remitting into Government account as mentioned at para 4(b) above as per para 11& 12 of G.O.Ms No.121, Finance (HR.V) Department, dt. 18.07.2017.

Click below link to download Complete G.O

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