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APRJC CET 2018 Notification, Eligibility, Fee Payment, Online Application

APRJC CET 2018 Notification, Eligibility, Fee Payment, Online Application

1. Candidates seeking admission into Inter I year in 07 AP Residential Junior Colleges(GENERAL) for the academic year 2018-19 should apply for APRJC Common Entrance Examination through online by visiting
2. The admissions in THREE APRJUNIOR COLLEGES for MINORITY BOYS (GUNTUR,KURNOOL)AND GIRLS(VAYALPADU) WILL BE BASED ON SSC GPA MARCH 2018 for Minority Boys & Girls, and a separate notification will be issued. However, these colleges are shown here to know information about their location, groups offered, number of seats allotted and the jurisdiction. SC, ST, Seats in these colleges will be filled with through APRJC- CET-2018.
3. Date of Examination: 10.05.2018 from 10.00AM to 12.30PM
4. Examination Centers:
District Head quarters ( Candidate may choose any District to appear for Test)

The test is of objective type with 2½ hrs duration for 150 marks (50 marks for each subject).
The candidates have to mark their answers in the OMR sheets. The question papers of APRJC CET will be based on 10th standard in AP state syllabus for subjects and English will be General English .
5. Schedule for applying online application:
Date of opening of online application : 15.03.2018
Last date : 10.04.2018
6. Examination Fee: Rs.150/-
7. Eligibility :
a) Candidate must be a resident of India and must have studied in Andhra Pradesh only.

b) Must have passed the qualifying examination in first attempt in March 2018 only.
Candidates who have passed in earlier years are not eligible and need not apply.
c) OC Candidate must secure a minimum GPA of 6 and BC, SC, ST and minority candidates must secure minimum GPA of 5 in S.S.C or equivalent qualifying examination and GPA of 4 in English for all the candidates.
8. Reservations :
1. SC:15%, ST:06%, BC-A: 7 % BC-B:10%, BC-C:1%, BC-D:7%, BC-E: 4%
2. Spl category Reservation: PHC:3% Sports:3% CAP( Children of Armed Personnel):3%
9. Criteria for allotment of seats under special reservation category
The seats under special category in MPC, BPC, MEC/CEC will be given on the basis of common merit list of Children of Armed Personnel, PHC and Sports categories against OC.
i. Under PHC category, seats will be allotted based on the merit of the entrance test among the PHC candidates. Minimum disability is 40%.
ii. Under Sports category, seats will be allotted based on the merit in the entrance test among the sports category.
iii. Under CAP( Children of Armed Personnel) category, the parent of the candidate must be an ex-service or presently in defence service. The seats will be allotted based on the merit in the entrance test. NCC candidates are not eligible under CAP category.
Steps to be followed in submission of the application through ‘Online’.

    i. The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for APRJC-CET 2018

ii. The candidate after satisfying himself/herself about the eligibility criteria for the submission of application through online shall pay a fee of Rs.150.00 through online from 15.03.2018 to 10.04.2018 for submission of application through Online .

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