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G.O.RT.No.27,Dated:09-02-2018 - Constituting a Committee to resolve issues in Education Department

 G.O.RT.No. 27                                           Dated:09-02-2018
The orders  issued  in  the G.O.  read  above,  are hereby  superseded. 
  2. The Hon’ble Minister (HRD) has convened a  meeting  on 28.11.2017  in his chambers with the Teacher  Unions and Graduate MLCs, Special  Chief  Secretary (SE), Commissioner  of  School  Education and  discussed  the  following  issues and ordered  to constitute  a  committee  for  their  resolution:-
1.  Issues to  be  resolved  pertaining  and limited to  1998,  2008,  2012 DSC Candidates, who lost  their  chances  of  selection   due  to reduction  of qualifying  marks during  the selection  process.
 2.  Issues  pertaining  to  the  demand  of  regularization of  contract  lecturers working in  Junior  Colleges.
 3.  Model  School  Teachers  salaries and  framing  of  service rules on par  with Government  Teachers  i.e.  010  Salaries  and  merging  of  Staff  into  School Education.
4.  Filling  up of  the  100%  upgraded  vacancies  instead  of  70%  by  promotion  of PETs  &  Pandits.
 5.  Promotions in  Junior  Colleges - RIOs, DVEOs  & Principals.
 6.  Filling  up of  Teaching  / Non  Teaching  posts  in  Aided Jr. Colleges  on par with Aided Schools in  School  Education Department  as per  existing rules.
7.  Issue  of  delegation of  DDO  powers to MEOs  concerned  instead  of  DEOs, in  respect  of  Aided  Teaching  / Non  teaching  staff.  
8.  40% quota  for  JLs promotion  from  the  feeder  category. 3. The Government, to  consider  all  such  issues as referred  above, have therefore,  decided to  constitute  a committee with the  following  members of Legislative  Council  to deliberate the above issues and  to  give  their views/recommendations  and accordingly,  the committee is  constituted with the following  members:-

Click below link to download Complete G.O

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