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Rc. No. 426/B/SCERT/2017 Dated: 22-12-2017
Sub:-Vidya Vikaasam program, AP SCERT -Conduct of StudentLearning Achievement Survey (SLAS) 2017 for Classes 4,6 and 9in sample set of schools in all districts -State and district level -Reg.

        All the Regional Joint Directors (RJDSEs), District Educational Officers (DEOs), District Project Officers (DPOs) are informed that vide reference 1st cited above, permission was accorded by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh to set up an Assessment Cell in SCERT composing of subject experts and Assessment experts and strengthening of District DCEBs.

        As per reference 2nd cited above, an MoD was entered between Department of School Education and partners CSSL and Samagra. it was decided to conduct Student Learning Achievement Survey (SLAS) every year for a period of 3 years using high quality assessment tools provided by CSSL. Data and analysis from this SLAS (misconception analysis, granular competency gaps) would be used to train the State Assessment Cell and District Assessment Cell members, develop informed teacher training modules and disseminated to all schools and teachers to transform teaching-learning processes in classrooms.

      The first round of SLAS was conducted in December 2016, only for Class 4. 21,121 students in total were tested from 519 Government schools and 479 Private schools. The detailed analysis report for SLAS 2016 was submitted to the Department on 29-08-17 and dissemination was conducted through state, district workshops and teleconference in Sep-Oct 2017. Analytical dashboard for SLAS has also been prepared at Additionally, divisional level workshops for direct dissemination to HMs in the state is in progress.
The Department has proposed to go ahead to conduct SLAS 2017 for the following reasons:
•SLAS will enable the state to identify the most accurate picture of learning levels of children across Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary classes
•While National Achievement Survey (NAS) was conducted on 13/11/17, NAS is a horizontal cross-sectional study and only benchmarks the state to the rest of the country-SLAS on the other hand is a Longitudinal Impact assessment that intends to diagnose the learning gaps specific to Andhra Pradesh at a student level
•NAS was conducted for Classes 3,5,8 while SLAS will be conducted for Classes 4,6,9.
•SLAS will also provide advanced analysis like Misconception analysis, Item response theory and scale anchoring to benchmark knowledge and ability performance of children.
•SLAS will complement NAS findings and be used towards developing informed training modules and disseminating enriched analysis to all schools and teachers In light of the above reasons, it is decided to conduct SLAS in the following format:
•Students from Class 4,6 and 9 will be tested
•SLAS will only be conducted for 2 subjects-Language (Telugu for Telugu Medium and English for English Medium) and Mathematics
•SLAS tool will be provided by CSSL
•SLAS will be conducted in a mix of Government and Private schools
•Approx. 1250 students will be tested in each class and school management in all districts. Hence, each district will test at least 1250 students of Class 4,6,9 each from Govt. schools (Telugu medium); 1250 students of Class 4,6,9 each from Private schools. The list of schools identified for sample testing will be sent separately by Dec 26.
•SLAS will only be conducted in Telugu and English medium schools
•Sampling will be conducted by CSSL through a Stratified sampling procedure to ensure representative sample across each district
•SLAS is an objective, multiple choice question tool-OMRs will be used for evaluation of students
•Services of CRPs will be utilized for invigilation and administration of SLAS in all the schools
•SLAS will be conducted between Jan 5-8, 2018 fur 4th, 6th and 9th classes and only for Language and Mathematics subjects

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