GO 91 Dt 11-12-2017 Guidelines for conducting Andhra Pradesh State Teacher Eligibility Test (AP-TET)
for conducting Andhra Pradesh State Teacher Eligibility Test (AP-TET) G.O.No:91
In the reference 1st read above,
Govt. of India have enacted RTE Act, 2009 on 27.08.2009 titled “The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education”. In accordance with the provision of
Sub-Section (1) of section 23 of the RTE Act, National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE), New Delhi has laid down minimum qualifications for a person
to be eligible for appointment as a Teacher for Classes I to VIII in its
Principal Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 and amendments issued thereon.
The minimum qualifications include a Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET).
Pursuant to the said Guidelines, it has been decided to conduct Teacher
Eligibility Test (TET) at least once every year for all persons, who aspire to
become Teachers for Classes I to VIII in all Schools (Govt. / ZP / MP /
Municipal /Recognized Pvt. Aided & Pvt. Un-Aided etc.,) in the State of Andhra
As per NCTE guidelines para (1) clearance of TET
is mandatory for all those aspiring to be Teachers in Private or Government
Managed Schools this is to ensure National Standards and benchmark of Teacher
quality in the recruitment process
In the reference 10th read above, the orders were
issued for conduct of Andhra Pradesh
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teachers Recruitment Test for the Posts of
teachers. However based on the proposal
submitted in the reference 13th read above by the Commissioner of School
Education, A.P, Amaravati for conducting Computer Based Test (CBT) for Andhra
Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test, Government has decided to conduct APTET exam.
In the reference 11th read above, Government have
permitted the A.P.Public Service Commission to introduce the system of computer
based examinations in the State of Andhra Pradesh and also accorded
administrative sanction for entering Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
A.P. Online basing on the rates fixed
In the reference 12th read above, the Government
permitted the A.P. State Council of Higher Education to introduce the Computer
Based Test for conducting of APCETs from 2017 onwards and also accorded
administrative sanction for entering Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
Government after careful
examination of the proposals of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra
Pradesh, Amaravati hereby issue the following Guidelines/ Instructions for
conduct of Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) as Computer Based Test(CBT) in
supersession of the guidelines issued earlier in this regard
Click below link to download Complete GUIDELINES
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