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GO.MS.No 81 dt.25.10.17 CCE - Carry Forwarding 5% Internal Marks of VIII and IX Cancelled

GO.MS.No 81 dt.25.10.17 CCE - Carry Forwarding 5% Internal Marks of VIII and IX Cancelled 

Read :
G.O. Ms. No.82,  School Education (Prog.II)  Dept.   dated  29.10.2015
G.O.Ms.No.12 School  Edn (Prog.II)  Dept.,  dated:25.02.2016 G.O.Ms. No.32  School  Edn (Prog.II)  Dept.,  dated:24.05.2016
 G.O. Ms. No. 41, School Education (Prog.II)  Dept.   Dated:07.06.2016
 From the Commissioner  of  School  Education,  A.P. Amaravati,  Lr. Rc.No.105/B/SCERT/2017,  dated:04.10.2017
* * *
In the G.O. 2nd  read  above, Government have issued orders to implement carry  forward of  weightage of  5%  marks of  Class VIII and  5% marks of  Class IX to Class X  Internal  Assessment marks from  the academic year  2017-18  and   subsequently, issued  orders  for  implementation of  it  from  the academic year 2018-19 vide G.O. 3rd  read  above.
  2. In the reference 5th  read above, the Commissioner  of  School  Education, A.P. Amaravati  has stated  that a State Level  Workshop was  organized on 29.05.2017  at  Vijayawada on  the implementation  of  the Continuation  and Comprehensive Evaluation  pattern  and  other  examination  reforms and the related  G.Os  issued  by  the  Government  from  time  to  time.  In  all about  170 participated in  the workshop, including  Hon’ble Teacher  M.L.Cs, representatives of  Teachers  Unions, Professors  of  NCERT,  representatives  of  other  State S.C.E.R.Ts  (i.e.,  Kerala, Karnataka,  Tamil  Nadu), Director, RMSA, SPD  SSA, RJDSEs, DEOs,  Principals of  DIETs,  Principals of  CTEs  & IASEs, Dy.E.Os, MEOs, HMs, Teachers, Managements of  Private Schools, Citizens  and NGOs.   The  Workshop  highlighted many  issues  and  challenges being  faced in implementing  CCE  pattern  of  evaluation  and recent G.Os issued  for  the betterment of  Assessment  and Evaluation.  Three of  the key  recommendations of the  Workshop  were  to  conduct  only  2 Summative Assessments  (as  being  done  in Telangana, Karnataka  and  Kerala)  instead  of  three (3),  removing  weightage  for internal  marks  of  classes VIII  and  IX  in  class X;  and external  evaluation  of Summative Assessments.
  To  implement these three recommendations of  the Workshop, the Commissioner  of  School  Education, A.P. Amaravati  has proposed certain amendments/additions to  the related  G.Os issued during  the 2013, 2015 and  2016 and requested to  bring  out  these amendments into  effect  from  the current academic year  i.e. 2017-18.   3. In the circumstances  reported  by  the Commissioner  of  School  Education, A.P. Amaravati  and keeping  in  view  of  the  recommendations of  the workshop held on  29.05.2017, after  careful  examination of  the  matter,  Government hereby cancel the  orders issued vide G.O.Ms.No.12  School Edn (Prog.II)  Dept.,  dated: 25.02.2016  and G.O.Ms. No.32 School Edn (Prog.II)  Dept.,  dated:  24.05.2016
Click below link to download Complete G.O

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