Memo No.18836,Dt.30.06.2017- Aided Rationalization-Promotions-Guidelines
Memo No.18836,Dt.30.06.2017- Aided Rationalization-Promotions-Guidelines
Promotions to the
eligible aided staff-filling up of the aided posts-Rationalisation of Services
of Aided Staff-Instructions-Memo. No.18836
1) Memo.
No.18836/PS/A2/2010-31, Dated: 30-06-2017-Promotions to the eligible aided
2) Memo.
No.18836/PS/A2/2010-32, Dated: 30-06-2017-Rationalization of Services of Aided
Staff in Private Aided schools in terms of G.O.Ms.No.40
Filling up of the aided
posts on permanent basis as per
3) Memo.
No.18836/PS/A2/2010-33, Dated: 30-06-2017
4) Memo. No.18836/PS/A2/2010-34 Dated: 30-06-2017
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