G.O.Ms.No.41,Dt.30.06.2017- Recruitment of vacant aided Teaching posts
G.O.MS.No. 41
G.O.Ms.No.75, School Education (PS-2)
Department, dated: 23.09.2002
Government in the
reference read above, has issued certain guidelines for consideration of
absorption in respect of the qualified un-aided staff who were appointed
against the sanctioned posts and as per the recruitment procedure, and whose
appointments were approved by the competent authorities in the respective posts
duly following the seniority, qualification etc., in accordance with law.
these orders were
subsequently cancelled.
2. Government have
examined the entire matter and hereby decided to absorb the Un-aided (approved)
eligible candidates as on 23rd September, 2002, as a onetime measure into the
vacant aided Teaching posts, subject to fulfilment of all the following
(1) The posts should
have been sanctioned by the competent authority, at resent there must be need
for filling up of posts as per the Teacher,Pupil Ratio (TPR).
(2) The candidate must
possess the qualifications as prescribed for each category of post for
Government/Local Body Teachers.
(3) If more than one
candidate is working in a sanctioned un-aided post of same cadre and all of
them satisfy the conditions prescribed, absorption in the vacant aided posts
shall be done as per seniority in un-aided posts.
(4) Where there is a
feeder category for promotion, the vacant aided posts shall be fill in the
ratio of 2:1 i.e 1st and 2nd posts by promotion and 3rd by direct
(5) The absorptions
shall be made after thorough verification of records by the Competent
(6) These guidelines are
applicable for teachers already working in unaided (approved) posts as on
23.09.2002 and being continued till today (30.06.2017) in un-aided post.
(7) This concession is
only for one time measure and there shall be no absorptions from unaided
(approved) to aided posts in future.
3. The Commissioner of School Education, A.P, shall take further necessary
action in the matter.
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