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G.O.RT.No.479 Dt.13-03-17-Centralised Pension Processing & Disbursement through SBI

G.O.RT.No.479,Dt.13-03-17,CentralisedPension Processing & Disbursement through SBI - Constitution of committee

G.O.RT.No. 479                                                                          Dated: 13-03-2017

Read the following

D.O.No.GBU/HYD/78, dt. 23.5.2015 of General Manager, State Bank of India.

The General Manager, State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Hyderabad in the reference cited above informed that they have proposed to provide an end to end solution for pension processing & disbursement for pensioners of State Government and Autonomous Bodies under Government of Andhra Pradesh and furnished the details of the process thereon.

2. In this context, it is stated that Government of Andhra Pradesh introduced the Scheme of payment of pensionary benefits to State Government pensioners through the Scheduled Banks/certain Co-Operative Banks w.e.f. 1.1.1978 vide GO(P) No.422, Fin&Plg (FW PSC-IV) Dept., dt. 3.12.1977. Further, Government notified the Public Sector Banks for operating the scheme vide GO Ms No.32, Fin & Plg (Pen.III) Dept., dt. 23.1.1989. The details of the Scheme is incorporated vide Appendix-IX of APRPRs 1980.

3. Government after careful examination hereby constitute a committee with the following officials to work out the modalities of transfer of pension disbursement function to State Bank of India.

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