Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University - Distance Mode Courses.
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University has invited applications for admission into the following Distance Mode Courses.
Name of the Course &
1. M.A. Astrology:
2. M.A. Sanskrit: Degree
3. M.A. Telugu: Degree
4. M.A. E.L.T: Degree
5. M.A. Tourism
Management: Degree
6. M.A. Communication,
Journalism: Degree
7. B.A. Carnatic Music:
8. B.A. Special Telugu:
9. P.G. Dip. in
Jyothirvaasthu: Degree
10. P.G. Dip. in TV
Journalism: Degree
11. Dip. in Jyothisham:
12. Dip. Film Writing:
10th Class
13. Dip. in Light Music:
Can read & write
14. Sangeeta Visarada:
Completion of 12 years. Age
15. Certificate course
in Jyothisham: 10th Class
16. Certificate Course
in Modern Telugu: 10th Class
How to Apply:
Application form-cum-Prospectus can be obtained in person or by post from the
Director, Centre for Distance Education, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University,
Nampally, Hyderabad by submitting a DD taken from any nationalized bank for Rs.
300 in favour of the Registrar, Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, payable at
Click below link to download
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