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D.O.  Lr.No.46/MC/2016.     Dated:   22.06.2015.

        Sub: School Education- Minority Cell - State Awards to the Teachers  for  the    
                year  2016 -  Submission of Proposals by the  District Selection   Committee 
                -  Called  for -  Regarding.

       Ref: 1.G.O.Rt.No.434Education(Ser.IV)Department,dt: 23.08.2000.
              2.Govt.Memo.No.10174/Ser.IV-2/2002-1, Edn(Ser.IV)  Dept, dt: 05.08.2002.
              3.G.O.Rt.No.500 Education(Trg.I)Department, dt:  02.09.2002.

I am  to  inform  thatthe STATE AWARDS,2016   to  the   Best  Teachers  of Andhra Pradesh are   being   given every year on the Teachers'  day   i.e.,   5th September.  I am  to  further inform that Awards are  proposed to  be  given  to  the deserving  teachers   &  Teacher Educators working under the categories   at a State Function  to be held  on  5th  September, 2016.

The   Government   through   the   references  read  above  has   given   certain guidelines   for   selection   of  the    teachers    along    with    selection criteria and procedure duly  evolving  a proforma  for  recommending   the teachers  &  Teacher Educators    for    State    Awards     by    the   Inspecting     Officers   and     Selection Committees  at  each  District,   Mandal,  Divisional   and  State   level.

Teachers   with   at   least    20   years    of  Teaching  Experience   and Teacher    Educators   working  in   DIETs/IASEs/CTEs      and    Physical   Education Colleges   are  eligible   and   recommend  the teachers  duly  following   the  points   of criteria   for awards:

a)   The Academic   Standards  of his  Students.

b)   Teaching  Methodology being  followed  by the teacher. c)   Innovation   done  by the teacher.
d)   Special  efforts  of teacher   to improve enrollment,  and  retention.

e)  Sincerity  and   Commitment  towards  the  job  like  regularity  of attendance, not  bringing   any  political pressure  for transfers etc.,.

f)      Willingness  to work  in Interior  areas.

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