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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (IIIT) - Idupulapaya and Nuzivid - Admission Notificaiton

  Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (IIIT) - Idupulapaya and Nuzivid - Admission Notificaiton


Applications are invited for admission into the 6-year integrated B.Tech programme for the academic year 2016-17

 Applications are invited for admission in to the first year of 6- Year Integrated B.Tech Program of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology - Idupulapaya and Nuzivid in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2016-17.
Eligibility: SSC or its equivalent examination held in 2016, in the first attempt.
Age: Age not more than 18 years as on 31.12.2016.
How to Apply: Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Applicants shall only through AP Online services.
Online application commences: 16.05.2016.
Last date for receipt of Online Applications: 10.06.2016.
 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana students should apply through APOnline services only.
 Read all information given in the Detailed Notification carefully before applying.
Please carry study certificates from 4th class 10th class and soft copy of your passport size photograph to APOnline Center for filling application.

Application Fee:  Rs. 150.00 (for OC and BC candidates)
Rs. 100.00 (for SC and ST candidates)
The application fee should be paid in cash at APOnline service center, for which the center will issue a receipt.
An additional amount of Rs. 20.00 per application should be paid as service charges to the APOnline Centre.
Please keep the application printout and payment receipt with you for reference.
Only PH/CAP/NCC/Sports applicants have to post their applications along with the relevant certificates to specified address in the detailed notification.

Click below link to Download Notificaiton

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