Rc.No.25,Dt.12.04.2016 -Rationlization- Model Primary Schools - Utilization of premises - Bridge International Academics
Sub: School Education –
Rationalization of Primary Schools – Establishment
of Adharsha Pradhmika
Paatasala (Model Primary School) and Positive
Consolidation of Primary
Schools in Andhra Pradesh – Utilization of
Premises of the merged
Primary schools to Establish Bridge
International Academies –Reg.
Ref:1. This Office
Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015,Dt.07.11.2015 addressed
to Govt.
2. Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt/2015
addressed to the Commissioner Women and
Child Welfare
Department, Government of Andhrapradesh,
3. Lr.No.5012/K5/2015,Dt.20.01.2016
of the Spl.Commissioner,Women
Development & Child
Welfare Department, Andhrapradesh.
4. E-Mail Bidge International
I wish to inform
that, as part of rationalization of Primary Schools, establishment of Adarsha
Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) was undertaken by the School
Education Department. By taking, Gram
Panchayat/Municipality as a Unit, Multiple Primary Schools functioning within 1
Km radius and with <30 students enrolled consolidated /merged. Accordingly 3886 Model Primary Schools are
established during the academic year 2015-16.
The vacant Premises of Merged Primary schools was identified for the use
of Anganwadi Centers/ Early Childhoold Centers and attached to the consolidated
Model Primary Schools for improving enrolment.
Vide reference 1st cited, Government was addressed to permit Commissioner of School Education to handover the vacant /merged Primary Schools to Women & Child Welfare Department. Further vide reference 2nd cited, Commissioner Women & Child Welfare Department, Andhra pradesh was requested to take over the vacant Primary School buildings for running Anganwadi Centers. Vide reference 3rd cited Special Commissioner Women Development & Child Welfare Department informed that 1451 Anganwadi Centers were shifted to the Vacant Primary Schools premises
Vide reference 1st cited, Government was addressed to permit Commissioner of School Education to handover the vacant /merged Primary Schools to Women & Child Welfare Department. Further vide reference 2nd cited, Commissioner Women & Child Welfare Department, Andhra pradesh was requested to take over the vacant Primary School buildings for running Anganwadi Centers. Vide reference 3rd cited Special Commissioner Women Development & Child Welfare Department informed that 1451 Anganwadi Centers were shifted to the Vacant Primary Schools premises
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