Rc.No.01,Dt.19.04.2016 - Completing the School Admissions for the academic year 2016-17- Schedule from 20.04.2016 to 05.05.2016
Present: K Sandhya Rani I.Po.S
Re.No.01/A&I/2014 Dated: 19/04/2016
Sub: School Education
- Completing the School Admissions for the academic year 2016 - 17 between 20.04.2016 to 05.05.2016 -
Instructions issued - Reg.
Read: RTE
Act No. 35 of 2009
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that under Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009, the Right to Education is accorded the same legal status as the Right to
Life as provided by Article 21
(a) of Indian Constitution.
Every child in age group of 6
to 14 years shall
be provided upto 8 years of Elementary Education on
admission to an age appropriate
class in the
vicinity of his / her neighborhood.
It is further informed that a review of the enrolment in Government Schools is taken up as part
the Rationalization- Resource Redistribution exercise. It is proposed to
undertake rationalization
of all categories of schools and
teacher transfers during the summer of 2016
before the reopening of the Schools in 13.6.2016.
It is further informed that there is a declining trend in Government schools' enrolment over the years. This is resulting in closing of zero enrolment schools, merging/ consolidation of non-viable schools with neighboring schools during the rationalization process. Multi-grade teaching becomes inevitable when the enrolment does not justify allocation of full complement of teachers.
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