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G.O.Ms.No.19,Dt.26.03.2016 - Constitution of State Advisory Committee to suggest the ways to reduce the academic burden on students

School Education Department – Constitution of State Advisory Committee to suggest the ways to reduce the academic burden on students, to give priority for sports & games and co-curricular activities – Orders Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.                                                                                    Dated:26.03.2016
                                 Read the following

       From the Hon’ble Minister for HRD, Lr No. 41/M(HRD)/2016,
      dated 22.03.2016.

It has been noticed that the ever-increasing burden of academics, particularly at junior classes in schools, is assuming alarming proportions. The growing tendency of overloading the young children in turning the process of learning into drudgery.

2.       After careful examination of the matter, Government have decided to set up State Advisory Committee. Accordingly, Government hereby constitute State Advisory Committee to hold extensive study on the procedure of formal recognition, weightage to sports and games, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities, more of outdoor and more mutually beneficial interaction of students with the community, etc. and suggest the ways to reduce the academic burden on the students. The composition of State Advisory Committee is, as follows:

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