DSC - 2014 - Verification of Certificates for PH/OH/VH - New Instructions
Sub: TET cum TRT 2014- Recruitment of
teachers – Verification of
Certificates for hearing
impaired Candidates ,ENT Hospital Koti,
Hyderabad– Visually Challenged
and Orthopedically Handicapped
Candidates – issue of certificates with
percentage of deformity by the
Superintendent of identified
hospitals – Requested
Read: 1.G.O.Ms.No.38 School Education
(Exams) Department, Dt.19.11.2014
2. Memo
3. This office
I submit that in the reference 1st
cited, Government of Andhra Pradesh have permitted to conduct TET cum TRT 14
examination for filling up of various category of teacher posts, in the
reference 2nd cited, the Government have permitted the Commissioner
of School Education, AP, Hyderabad to take up further recruitment process duly
following the guidelines issued in the ref 1st cited. In the reference 3rd cited,
necessary instruction have been issued to all the DEOs in the Andhra Pradesh
state to get the verification of certificates from the recognized hospitals for
the candidates who are clamming visually challenged quota for TET cum TRT –
2014. With regard to hearing for the
impaired the only identified hospital is the Government ENT Hospital, Koti,
Telangana, Hyderabad which is being referred by the combined state for both
Andhra and Telangana.
The DEO s in the sate to get the
verification of certificates from the recognized hospitals for the candidates
who are clamming physically handicapped, visually challenge, orthopedically
challenged quota for TET cum TRT – 2014.
The list of recognized hospital for issue of certificates to PH Category
i.e. visually challenged and orthopedically challenged have been enclosed here
Commissioner of School
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