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childinfo సైట్ లో విద్యార్థుల వివరాలు షెడ్యూలు ప్రకారం అప్డేట్ చేయాలని ఉత్తర్వులు

 Academic Year 2021-22 – Updating Child Info Certain instructions – Issued

childinfo సైట్ లో విద్యార్థుల వివరాలు షెడ్యూలు ప్రకారం అప్డేట్ చేయాలని ఉత్తర్వులు విడుదల
▪️  Drop out to Active 08-09- 2021 to 13-09-2021
▪️  New child registrations 14-09- 2021 to 20-09- 2021
▪️  Update Child Data 21-09- 2021 to 25-09- 2021


All  the   Regional  Joint Directors of School Education  and  District Educational  Ofcers   in  the    State  are  aware  that,  in  ref  cited,  the Government has issued orders for opening of all classes in all schools w.e.f

16.08.2021   for  the    academic  year   2021-22  in  the    state  strictly  in accordance with the  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) communicated by  the    Health,  Medical  &   Family  Welfare   Department  and  general instructions issued by the  government from time to time.


2.    As per the  above instructions it is observed that the  new admissions are  not  being updated in child-info by the  concerned MEO/Head  masters. Accordingly it is decided to take up the  said activity as a special drive for updation of Child information system as per the  schedule appended to this instructions.


3.   Therefore, all  the   Regional  Joint Directors of School Education  and District Educational  Ofcers  in the   state are  requested to  instruct the respective feld functionaries and Headmasters concerned to  update the child-info as per the  given schedule and ensure that zero error child details for better service delivery to the  students and parents.


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