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Municipal Schools - Construction of Additional Classrooms - in the Municipal Schools -- instructions


 Municipal  Schools - Construction of Additional  Classrooms - in the Municipal Schools -- Certain instructions issued

The attention of all the Municipal Commissioners of 59 ULBs in the State to the references  cited,  wherein  the  Government  has issued  instructions  for  improving Infrastructure facilities in schools under Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-I & II. A total of  744 Municipal  Schools were completed in  Phase-I and the same were successfully completed  in the  ULB's.  In Phase-II of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu 894 Municipal  schools were selected for improving Infrastructure facilities. Out of 894 Municipal Schools, 435 were  already completed  in  Phase-I,  but  again selected   in  Phase-II  also for  the construction of Additional Classrooms as per NEP-2020(National Education Policy) and in the remaining 459 schools all 10 components  including Additional  classrooms will be taken up.


.         In this regard it is to inform that, as per the information received from the ULBs it is noticed that there is a dire need of Additional Classrooms in the Municipal Schools due to  increase in enrolment.

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.         Therefore,  all the  Municipal  Commissioners  of ULBs (wherein the  Municipal Schools are existing) are directed to visit the Schools which are not covered in both Phase-I  & II  of  Mana  Badi  Nadu  Nedu  program and take necessary action for the construction  of Additional  Classrooms  wherever  required  based on the  enrolment, immediately. Further, the Municipal Commissioners are also requested to verify/check the availability  of  place in  the  School  premises before  going to take-up  construction of additional  class rooms in  the  Municipal  Schools.  If sufficient  place is  not available in  the  School,  check the  possibility  to  go  for  the  (G+1)  structure  on  the  existing building

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.         The Municipal Commissioners are directed to meet the above expenditure from the  General  Funds of the ULBs.


All the RDMAs in the State are requested to guide the Municipal Commissioners in their region in this regard and review the  progress from time to time and ensure the above directions are complied with by the Commissioners without any deviation


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