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G.O.MS.No. 112 Dated: 24-07-2018Furnishing and Uploading of all Bank Accounts in CFMS Portal of various agencies and Government Departments

G.O.MS.No. 112 Dated: 24-07-2018Furnishing and Uploading of all

Bank Accounts in CFMS Portal of various agencies and

Government Departments

Read the following:

  1. G.O.Ms.No.94, Finance (TFR) Department, dt.06.05.2014.
  2. G.O.Ms.No.196,Finance (CM) Department, dt.14.10.2016.

O R D E R:

In the reference 1st read above, Government issued orders for furnishing of information about bank balances – Saving/Current/Fixed deposits -with Departments/Corporations/Institutions lying outside the Government treasury.
  1. However, it is observed that certain departments are keeping unutilized funds of several schemes in Bank Accounts outside the Government treasury without obtaining prior permission from the Government and also opening new accounts outside treasury control without Government permission.
  2. The Government intends to review and consolidate the information on the list of all Government Accounts maintained in various banks. In this regard all Managing Directors/Vice-Chancellors/Collectors/HODs/DDOs/Finance Officers/Accounts Officers of all Departments/Institutions/Corporations are requested to furnish the information of all the existing Savings/Current/Fixed deposit accounts in the prescribed format by 03.08.2018 in CFMS portal by clicking on Bank Account Information in The amounts relating to the earnings/profits/Endowed funds/deposits for pensions and gratuity /all monies operated by the institutions must be entered in the database.
    1. After uploading the information in CFMS portal, the DDOs/Accounts Officers of all Departments/Institutions/Corporations shall have to certify that they are not maintaining any accounts other than those which are uploaded in CFMS portal. The Heads of Departments concerned must
    2. ensure that the information uploaded is correct and updated and a confirmation has to be given in CFMS by 03.08.2018.

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