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SSC Public Examinations -Age condonation_ - Instructions

 Instructions to all the Headmasters _ Age condonation_ SSC Public Examinations  2021

SSC Public Examinations-2021  -- Make arrangements for age condonation

Issue instructions to all the Head Masters -Requesting Reg.

 With reference  to the subject cited,  I   am to  inform you that the commencement of schedule   has  to  be  released   for  the  ensuing   SSC   Public   Examinations-2021.   In   this connection,  I   am to inform you that well before issue of the commencement of schedule,  the process of condonation of age for the underage candidates  has to be completed  in the districts so that the hurry in the eleventh hour may be avoided.


 In  view  of the above,  I   request  you to issue  necessary  instructions  to all the  Head Masters  concerned  for making  arrangements for obtaining  relaxation  of shortfall  of age  in case of underage  candidates  from the DEO/DGE strictly as per the Government Memo above cited  and  keep  the  copies  ready  with  the  Head  Masters  concerned   along  with  the  Birth Certificates  issued by the Municipal/ Panchayat authorities to upload the same at the time of uploading the data  in this office  website for the ensuing  SSC  Public  Examinations as  it is compulsory  to upload  both the copy of proceedings  as well as Birth certificate  issued  by the Municipal/Panchayat authorities.


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