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All Headmasters and teachers of the primary schools of all Govt-Managements have to attend the schools once in a week w.e.f 13th July

School Education – UDISE data 2019-20 – A large number of gaps in UDISE+ data 2019-20 – Certain guidelines

All Headmasters and teaching and non teaching staff of those schools where Nadu Nedu works have been taken up in Phase-1 shall have to continue to attend the schools .  The headmasters of the concerned schools have to distribute the work among the staff in such a manner that all components of the works are entrusted to each teacher and the said teacher shall be fully responsible for timely and proper completion of the works taken containment zones, teachers suffering from chronic diseases, visually impaired and physically handicapped may be exempted

All Headmasters and teachers of the primary schools of all Govt-Managements have to attend the schools once in a week w.e.f 13th July 

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