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DSC-2008 - Furnish the list of candidates who are come under zone of selection, if common merit list is taken into consideration

DSC-2008 - Furnish the list of candidates who are come under zone of selection, if common merit list is taken into consideration 

In continuation of Memo in the reference 19 read above certain representations were received common merit candidates through the references 20 and 21nd read above in the office of the CSE for selection in DSC-2008. A letter from CMO is too received with regard to the same issue.

The contention of the applicants is that they were selected under 100% common merit list and attended for Certificate verification in certain districts, but in the proposed selection list, prepared by the DEOs ignoring the Common Merit some eligible candidates, the names were not apparent.

In this connection, all the District Educational Officers in the state are directed to verify the merit list of Secondary Grade Teachers in DSC 2008 once again as per G.O.Ms.No.27, dated.21-06-2010 and other G.Os, connected to preparation of common merit list existing as on the date of selection, and furnish the list of candidates those came under zone of selection in case of consideration of common merit list. The willingness of the candidates shall be obtained as per the guidelines
issued vide this office memo 19 read above.

The information shall be submitted to this office through mail before 25.05.2020 without fail.

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