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 This examination is conducted every year in the month of November for the students in class VIII studying in Government/ ZP/Municipal/MPUP ( Running with VIII Class)/ Aided /AP Model (Day Scholors only) Schools are eligible for this examination.
  1. This examination is conducted every year in the month of November for the students in class VIII studying inGovernment/ Local Body/Municipal/Aided Schools are eligible for this examination.
  2. The candidates who got minimum 55% of marks for OC/BC candidates and 50% for SC/ST in VII Standard.
  3. The beneficiaries are being selected basing on the merit and as per the reservation norms followed by the state.
  4. State Norms including 3% reservation for P.H candidates. (S.C 15%; S.T 6%; B.C-A 7%; B.C-B 10%; B.C-C 1%; B.C-D 7% ; BC-E 4%). 
Due Dates
a) Application online submission from 24-08-2018
b) Payment may be made from 24-08-2018
c) Last date for Upload the candidate's application by the concerned Head Masters. 27-09-2018
d) Last date for Payment of fee. 28-09-2018
e) Last date for submission of printed Nominal Rolls along with other
enclosures in the O/o.The District Educational Office concerned by the school HM's
f) Last date for submission of Printed Nominal Rolls by the concerned DEO’s (after through scrutiny of printed NRs with original certificated of income,VIII pass memos and caste etc..and certify on the NR with designation stamp)in the O/o. the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada . 04-10-2018
Pattern of Examination is as follows:

  1. Mental Ability Test (M.A.T) – 90 marks multiple choice questions.
  2. Scholastic Ability Test (S.A.T) – 90 marks covering social science, science and mathematics of class VII & VIII. Each question carry one mark
  3. Qualifying percentage is as follows:
  • Gen 40% B.C 35% S.C/S.T/P.H 25%
  1. The Govt vide G.O Rt No.713 dated 25/09/2008, permitted the Director of Government Examinations to collect Rs.100/- for O.C/B.C and Rs. 50/- from S.C/S.T towards examination fee.
  2. The candidate’s parental income should be below Rs. 1,50,000/- p.a.
  3. The awardee will receive a scholorship sum of Rs. 12000/- per annum for which the awardee shall have to open a joint account with their parents in any S.B.I or in any Nationalized Banks which has core banking facility/ECS facility. On providing the Bank account number list by the states, the Ministry for Human Resource Development, New Delhi will sanction the scholarships and send such list to the SBI, New Delhi for disbursement of scholarships to the awardees. The candidate will get the scholarship amount through SBI, New Delhi on quarterly basis directly.
Online Application                 User Guide
SL.No Test type Paper Maximum Marks No of questions Duration in minutes
1 Mental Ability Test (MAT) Part I 90 90 90
2 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Part II 90 90 90
*Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) - having Papers with belowNo. of Questions and Marks
SL.No Papers Maximum Marks No of questions
1 Physics 12 12
2 Chemistry 11 11
3 Biology 12 12
4 Mathematics 20 20
5 History 10 10
6 Geography 10 10
7 Political Science 10 10
8 Economics 5 5

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