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G.O Ms No.14 dt.02.01.17 - Introduction Of English Medium in All Classes in all Municipal Schools

G.O Ms No.14 dt.02.01.17 - Introduction Of English Medium in All Classes in all Municipal Schools from the Academic Year 2016-17 in Andhra Pradesh for Support Of Urban Poor- Guidelines

G.O.Ms.No.14.                                                                                             Dt.02.01.2017
Read the following:

1. G.O.Rt.No.332, MA&UD Dept., Dated: 4.6.2016.
2. From the DMA, AP, Guntur, Lr.Roc.No.7176/J2/2015, Dt: 12.7.2016
3. G.O.Ms.No.262, MA&UD(D1) Dept., Dated: 25.10.2016
4. G.O.Ms.No.280, MA&UD(D1) Dept., Dated: 03.11.2016


 In the reference 3rd read above, the Government  had introduced English Medium in all classes in all Municipal Schools in the Academic Year 2016-2017. Meanwhile, the success of  Foundation Course has strengthened the knowledge base of the student studying from 6th to 10th standards and prepared them for competitive examinations both at the state level and national level.  The overwhelming support for the said programme from all the concerned including general public, and the enthusiasm shown by the students, parents and teachers had really made the Government to decide to make the foundation course mandatory for all the students studying in all Municipal Schools. Hence, the medium of instruction plays a very crucial role in defining the destiny of the student.

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