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Notification No. 10/99 - Recruitment of Group-II Declaration of Result

 Notification No. 10/99 - Recruitment of Group-II Declaration of Result

       In compliance of the judgments, dt:18/02/2015 & 29/07/2016 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No.5099/2006, and following the Presidential Order and G.OMs.No.763, Dt:15/11/1975, result list for recruitment to Group-II Notification No.10/1999 is hereby declared.

      The list is prepared after detailed verification and if any candidate has any objection he/she can approach the Commission within 7 days in writing. As required under erstwhile Rule 7 of Rules of procedure of APPSC, which is applicable to old open recruitments, the candidates who have not been allotted any service in earlier spells of this recruitment are requested to express willingness in writing within one week from today, failing which their candidature would not be considered for selection. Willingness on e-mail/SMS/Whats App etc.. would not be considered. The willingness shall be addressed to Secretary APPSC in writing.

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